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Working with Step Teachers
FAQ's now you are approved to work with Step Teachers.
I want to stop working with Step Teachers
Can I request not to be given cover at certain schools?
How do I leave a review about my experience with Step Teachers?
How do I make a complaint?
Can I get a reference if I have worked with Step Teachers?
Step Perks
Where can I find my payslip
What is Step Perks
Register for Step Perks
I can no longer access Step Perks
Do I still get paid through the school holidays?
When do I get paid?
Workplace Pension Introduction
Am I In the Pension Scheme?
Leaving the Pension Scheme - Options
How do you calculate my Holiday Pay?
I work with multiple agencies, how does this affect the tax I pay?
What is the daily rate of pay?
When will I be paid over Christmas 2024?
Agency Workers Regulations (AWR)
I've just received a P45 from Step Teachers, but I thought I was still on the books?
How do I access my P60?
How do I send my P45 to you from my previous employer?
What is a New Starter Checklist?
See more
Preparing for your day in school
Why do I have to take my DBS to school?
Recommend a Friend
When will I receive my vouchers for someone I have recommended?
Recommend a Friend (RAF)
Is there a choice of vouchers I receive for recommending a friend?