For Step Teachers to confirm your status as a QTLS Teacher, you will need to provide SET with permission to release your status.
Recent changes in industry procedures now require you to provide permission to SET to share your QTLS teacher status with Step Teachers.
To simplify this process, we've provided a template below for your convenience. You can also click here to automatically load the template, including the text, recipients, and subject, into your preferred email service.
If you prefer to manually do this, you can copy the template text below and send it to:
Please also CC the Step Teachers Compliance Team:
I am currently registering for work with Step Teachers Ltd.
Can you please confirm my current QTLS membership to Step Teachers using my details below, as well as confirm the awarding date to them. I give you my full permission to do so.
If you could reply to this email and include the Step Teachers Compliance Team email address -
Many thanks,
You’re welcome to write your own email, but please make sure the confirmation is sent directly to Step Teachers at the email address above.
If you would prefer to speak to SET to provide them with permission, please call The Society for Education and Training (SET) on 0800 093 9111