It is important that you know the following information before you take your lesson. If you are not provided with this, you must ask for the following:
- Safeguarding and Child Protection policy
- Behaviour policy
- Online Safety policy
- Health and Safety policy
- Whistleblowing policy
- Name of the Head Teacher; Designated Safeguarding Lead; Key members of staff; Head of Department
- Who to report to in case of incidents e.g. discipline, accident, etc
- School site map, class seating plan, location of staff room and toilets, break and lunch times
- Fire assembly points, offices, and emergency policy, how to access first aid
- Security codes, key fobs or passes you need to access staff-only areas
- Lesson requirements and instructions, additional requirements such as SEN, behaviour issues
It is very important that you have all the above information so that you are fully prepared for your day at the school. If you are unclear about anything, please ask, the school would rather you ask them instead of just assuming or guessing.